On 9 April 2024, as part of the week of Francophonie in Bishkek, the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic held an event "La francophonie - 2024" dedicated to the International Day of Francophonie.

The celebration of the International Day of Francophonie was attended by students, faculty and staff of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic. 

The event was opened by the Rector of the Diplomatic Academy, Akylbek Mukaevich Kylychev, who stressed the importance of this event for all francophones and francophiles, all those who speak French, study it, love French culture and civilisation.

Then, in his speech to the audience, presented a lot of interesting facts about Francophonie Vice-Rector for Scientific Work - Zainidin Karpekovich Kurmanov. He also noted that French is the language of poets, diplomats and intellectuals, a language that inspires with the beauty of its literature, enriches diplomatic relations and serves as a tool of communication in the international arena.

The organisation of the event was the responsibility of 1st-4th year French language students and teachers from the Department of State and Foreign Languages. The participants had the opportunity to immerse themselves in Francophone culture, get to know the countries that are members of the International Organisation of La Francophonie and hear French.

According to students and guests, the event was interesting, informative and organised to a high standard.

This event demonstrated not only the importance of respecting cultural diversity, but also contributed to strengthening international dialogue and understanding between countries.

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МИНИСТЕРСТВО ИНОСТРАННЫХ ДЕЛ КЫРГЫЗСКОЙ РЕСПУБЛИКИ объявляет о начале приема документов граждан Кыргызской Республики для поступления в МГИМО (У) МИД РФ

Министерство иностранных дел Кыргызской Республики объявляет о начале приема документов для поступления в Московский государственный институт международных отношений (Университет) Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации (МГИМО) на 2024-2025 учебный год с 8 апреля по 17 мая 2024 года на программы бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантуры.

В конкурсном отборе могут участвовать только граждане Кыргызской Республики. Абитуриенты могут подать документы только по одному выбранному направлению обучения из предложенных в приложении.

Кандидаты, рекомендованные Министерством иностранных дел Кыргызской Республики для дальнейшего участия в экзаменационных мероприятиях Московского государственного института международных отношений Министерства иностранных дел Российской Федерации (МГИМО МИД РФ) по программам бакалавриата, магистратуры и аспирантуры для зачисления в МГИМО, проходят тестирование по русскому и иностранному языкам в соответствии с правилами указанного ВУЗа в он-лайн формате.

С правилами конкурсного отбора абитуриентов в МГИМО можно ознакомиться на сайтах Министерства иностранных дел Кыргызской Республики по адресу: www.mfa.gov.kg и Дипломатической академии МИД Кыргызской Республики – www.dipacademy.kg

Регистрация документов на участие в конкурсном отборе осуществляется в онлайн режиме на сайте Дипломатической академии МИД Кыргызской Республики — www.dipacademy.kg. Подача документов осуществляется в оффлайн формате.

Контактные тел.: 0312 66 14 21, 0312 66 01 85, 0550 27 06 77, 0776 44 21 14, 0559 78 60 04



Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic named after K. Dikambaev, in accordance with the Regulations on the procedure for filling the positions of faculty members of higher educational institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic, announces a competition for the vacant positions of heads of departments:

Department of International Relations and Law; Department of World Economy and International Management; Department of State and Foreign Languages. General qualification requirements:
Кафедра Мировой экономики и международного менеджмента;
Кафедра Государственного и иностранных языков.
Общие квалификационные требования:

Knowledge of the Law of the Kyrgyz Republic "On Education" and other normative legal acts concerning the sphere of higher professional education, regulating educational, scientific and research activities of educational institutions;
Mastery of the state and official languages to the extent necessary for the performance of job duties.
Level of professional education:

Academic degree of candidate/doctor of sciences;
Academic degree of candidate/doctor of sciences;
Seniority and work experience:

The following documents must be submitted to participate in the competition:

Personal application to the Rector for the admission of documents;
Personal application to the Rector for the admission of documents;
List of scientific publications;
Copies of documents confirming basic and additional education (if any), notarized or certified by the last place of work;
Copies of the labor book, notarized or certified by the last place of work;
Copies of documents on awarding academic degrees and academic titles (if any);
Copy of passport.
Original documents must be submitted upon arrival at the competition. Documents should be prepared urgently and submitted within one month from the date of publication to the address: Bishkek, Erkindik Boulevard 36, 2nd floor, office № 202, phone (0312) 622748. Documents in PDF format should be sent within the specified period of time to the e-mail address: dipacademy@mfa.gov.kg.

NOTE: Persons who have submitted documents and information that do not meet the established requirements are not allowed to participate in the competition.

As part of the HWCA project, a ceremony was held at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to open a computer class

Within the framework of the HWCA project (Strengthening Higher Education in the Water Sector for Climate Resilience and Security in Central Asia), the opening ceremony of a computer class was held at the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

The event was opened by Rector of the Diplomatic Academy Akylbek Kylychev and National Coordinator of the Erasmus+ Program in Kyrgyzstan Gulnara Isaeva.

Also present were representatives of partner universities Kyrgyz National Agrarian University and Kazakh-German University.

Prof. Guldana Alybaeva, Head of the Department of "World Economy and International Management", made a speech on the topic: Development of the curriculum of the Master's program in the direction of "Water Resources Management" and presented the works of doctoral and postgraduate students on the topic of water diplomacy.ents are not allowed to participate in the competition.


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Meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Jeenbek Moldokanovich Kulubayev, with the staff of the Diplomatic Academy.

On March 29, 2024, a meeting took place between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Jeenbek Moldokanovich Kulubayev,and the staff of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

On March 29, 2024, a meeting took place between the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic, Jeenbek Moldokanovich Kulubayev,and the staff of the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kyrgyz Republic.

The Minister discussed current issues of cooperation and interaction, as well as the challenges faced by diplomatic education, and outlined possible steps to enhance personnel training processes in line with modern requirements. Specifically, important aspects related to contemporary trends in training international relations specialists were raised, along with the academy's role in providing scientific, analytical, and expert support to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the most pressing international and regional security issues.

Minister J. Kulubayev particularly emphasized the crucial function performed by the Diplomatic Academy amidst the growing complexity of the international situation. In today's world, where foreign policy challenges are becoming increasingly intricate and multifaceted, the role of well-prepared professionals with high levels of expertise, language skills, and deep understanding of modern international trends is pivotal in safeguarding national interests and international stability.

The Minister expressed deep confidence in further successful cooperation between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Diplomatic Academy, affirming readiness to support and develop the educational institution under his authority.

Following his remarks, Jeenbek Moldokanovich, answered questions from the Diplomatic Academy's staff and faculty members, demonstrating a profound understanding of existing challenges and the academy's strategic direction towards addressing them through strengthening educational and technical resources and fostering professional development. 

In closing the meeting, the Minister emphasized that such gatherings are not only opportunities for mutual exchange of views but also important stages in ensuring the high-quality training of diplomatic personnel capable of effectively representing Kyrgyzstan's interests on the international stage.

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